Z odprtim srcem Rasti deli starodavno modrost skozi sodobne izkušnje, uvide in raziskovanja, ki navdihujejo osebno rast, zdravljenje in prebujanje pravega jaza.
UNIVERSAL CAMPS event organizer:
SAINT ANNE INSTITUTION, Stoperce 80, Stoperce MŠ: 7996047000 DŠ: 84991569
The prices listed are in Euros (EUR) and are gross. Prices are valid from 1. 2. 2019 until cancelled. The reservation of participation is paid immediately and thus the buyer secures the stated price of participation in the event. The payment of the reservation is considered an advance payment up to the full value of the reservation amount, the difference of which the participant pays at the event.
The reservation is considered confirmed after the payment has been successfully made and sent, the prices are valid on the day the reservation is sent.
If the client cancels the reservation after making it, the reservation amount will not be refunded.
After successfully completing the payment for the reservation, you will receive a voucher to your email address, and the organizer will also inform you about all the details regarding the camp to your email address. If you have any questions regarding participation in the camp or reservation, support is available at the email address: info@universal-camps.eu
Uporabnik potrjuje ob rezervaciji, da je v celoti seznanjen s splošnimi pogoji poslovanja Universal Camps in da se z njimi strinja. Glede morebitnih sporov se obe strani zavzemata za sporazumno reševanje kakršnihkoli sporov.
Privacy protection
Based on the article of the Personal Data Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, 86/04 and 113/05) and the GDPR, the website administrator is committed to the permanent protection of all personal data and will use it only for the purposes of fulfilling the order and other necessary communication, which is also envisaged by the individual who placed the order, for the quality performance of the service. The user’s data will under no circumstances be forwarded to unauthorized persons or third parties. The user is also responsible for the protection of personal data. Personal data obtained from subscribers on the universal-camps.eu website are protected and will never be forwarded to third parties without their written consent. The administrator of the universal-camps.eu website reserves the right to establish business contact to resolve any ambiguities when verifying the data or the order or to resolve any disagreements.
Camp rules
The area where the UNIVERSAL CAMP event takes place is considered a ‘closed system’, to which only the camp participant, practitioners and camp staff are allowed to enter. Respect for fellow human beings and their privacy, as well as a friendly attitude towards nature, are the main guidelines. Given the fact that the camp conceptually provides for everything (all-inclusive offer), we would like to kindly invite the participants to the following:
– that participants do not bring in perishable food
– if the participant uses any medication, is undergoing treatment or has special instructions from a doctor, he/she is obliged to inform the staff who takes care of the camp participants about this
– if the participant has a prescribed diet, he/she is obliged to inform the staff who takes care of the camp participants about this
– lighting an unprotected fire without the consent of the organizer is not permitted
– bringing in and consuming alcohol is not permitted
– animals are not allowed at the event (we love animals, but unfortunately this event is not suitable for them)